Why Oxalis Drooping

Why Is My Oxalis Drooping? (Here’s Why & How to Fix It!)

The main reason why Oxalis is drooping is the plant is going into dormancy. Oxalis could also wilt when the plant is watered improperly. Oxalis could also droop due to transplant shock. Low humidity/low sunlight could also lead to drooping Oxalis.

We recommend that you rule out each one of the possibilities until you find the real issue. Treat the plant accordingly.

In this article, you’ll learn the possible reasons behind a drooping Oxalis plant. You’ll also learn how to fix such a wilting plant.

Why is my Oxalis not opening?

Oxalis leaves don’t open in the morning when the plant goes into dormancy. This usually happens in winter, i.e., after the main growing season.

How do you know if Oxalis is dormant?

The flowers fade and the leaves get shriveled as the dormancy starts in October. These are the starting signs of dormancy in Oxalis.

The butterfly-shaped leaves don’t open once the plant goes into dormancy. The plant looks like it’s dying, let it do its thing.

This is the plant’s response to the harsh winter conditions. The plant will be alright once it’s done resting.

Let Oxalis rest!

You need to provide certain conditions as your Oxalis prepares to rest. Follow the below instructions if you see the early signs of dormancy.

  • Stop watering and let the leaves dry out completely.
  • Remove the fallen leaves and stems, leaving just the bare soil and root tubers.
  • Place the plant in a dark, cool place for the next 5-6 weeks.
  • The plant will leave dormancy on its own and shows new growth.

Note: Don’t water your Oxalis during this dormancy period.

How do you wake up dormant Oxalis?

  • Take out the plant from the dark place after 5-6 weeks.
  • Place the Oxalis near a sunny indoor window.
  • Start watering lightly, increase the amount of water once you see new growth.

Dividing the plant

This is a great time to divide your Oxalis, so plant them in as many pots as you’d like. Most gardeners do this.

If you don’t want to divide your Oxalis, just repot it into a bigger pot. You don’t want a root-bound Oxalis indoors, do you?

Why is my Oxalis drooping after repotting?

Your Oxalis is drooping after repotting because it’s suffering from transplant shock. This happens if the plant was repotted just before the blooming season.

Oxalis might also wilt after repotting if the new soil is quite different from the old one. Oxalis doesn’t need to be repotted often.

Don’t re-pot Oxalis just before the blooming season. The plant is extremely vulnerable and easily prone to transplant shock.

Is the composition of the new soil similar to that of the old one? The re-potted plant is highly sensitive so a change in soil composition triggers shock.

Overwatered Oxalis

Oxalis also becomes droopy when the plant is overwatered. The leaves do not open and the plant looks like it’s dying.

A drooping plant doesn’t always need water. The leaves might also wilt if the plant is stuck in waterlogged conditions.

What does an overwatered Oxalis look like?

Overwatered Oxalis leaves look mushy and do not open. The leaves turn yellow and sometimes dark spots appear on them.

Stop watering your Oxalis immediately if you suspect that the plant is getting more water than it needs. Let the soil dry.

You might want to stick your finger in the ground and feel the moisture. Don’t water if the top layer of the soil is damp.

How often should you water Oxalis?

You need to water your Oxalis once every 1-2 weeks usually. Give the plant more water if the sun is brighter than usual.

Water your Oxalis less often if the plant is receiving less sunlight. Oxalis needs a little amount of water, this is probably why they experience waterlogged conditions easily.

Underwatered Oxalis

Oxalis also becomes droopy when it doesn’t get enough water. Underwatered Oxalis will have crisp, drooping foliage.

This usually happens to the plants that are grown outdoors. Check if your soil drains water too quickly.

Oxalis needs to be watered once every week. You can increase/reduce the amount of water and the frequency depending on the weather conditions.

As a rule of thumb, water your Oxalis whenever the top layer of the soil is dry. You can check this by inserting your bare finger into the ground.

Is the potting mix draining quickly?

Oxalis doesn’t get enough water if the soil drains water too quickly. The roots can only absorb so much water before it drains to the layers below.

This is also one of the reasons why plants usually get less water than needed. Inspect the soil or get someone to do it.

Mix potting mix and peat moss to create the perfect medium for Oxalis.

Lack of sunlight

Oxalis plant could also wilt if the plant doesn’t get enough sunlight. A plant can’t make enough resources to support itself if it doesn’t get enough light.

Where is your Oxalis located? Is the plant covered by a bigger plant? Is something shading your Oxalis?

Plants become dull when they don’t receive enough sunlight. This is because the photosynthesis rate decreases.

Relocate your Oxalis to a bright place if you’re sure that sunlight is the problem. Oxalis needs bright but indirect sunlight.

Ideally, Oxalis should be placed near an east-facing/north-facing window. Direct sunlight could burn the foliage.

Note: A sudden change in lighting conditions also affects a plant. You need to move the plant gradually towards a brighter place, day by day.

Low humidity

Oxalis foliage wilts when the humidity indoors is less than needed. Oxalis needs at least 50% humidity to survive.

The leaves transpire at a higher rate if the surrounding humidity is lower than required. As a result, the plant loses a significant amount of water.

The leaves wilt due to the lack of moisture. The leaves lose water at a quicker rate than the roots can absorb it.

You may want to use a humidifier if the humidity is less than 50% indoors. You can also place a bowl with pebbles and water near the plant.


People panic as soon as they see their Oxalis drooping/wilting. Don’t do that. First, make sure the plant isn’t going into a natural dormancy.

After ruling out this possibility, check if you were watering the plant properly. Adjust the watering schedule accordingly.

Next, see if the humidity and the light are enough for the plant. If not, move the plant to a newer place gradually.

You know the plant is suffering from transplant shock if you’ve recently moved it to a bigger pot.

Happy Gardening 🙂