Why is my Mini Rose Plant Dying?

Dying Mini Rose Plant? (6 Common Causes and Solutions)

Improper watering and insufficient sunlight are the primary factors contributing to the death of the Mini rose plant. Rose Botrytis Blight, a fungal disease can also kill your Mini Rose plant. Mini rose plants might show dying signs due to fertilizer burn.

Mini rose/Miniature rose is a plant that gives out small, pretty flowers as the name suggests. People try to grow them indoors but I don’t recommend it.

They can be grown by beginners with ease. Some people do run into some issues when growing them. Let’s look at those issues and see how to fix them.

Why are my mini roses turning brown?

Mini rose flowers turn brown due to spider mite infestation. You can confirm their presence if you see webcasts around your Mini rose plant.

Firstly, let’s rule these pesky pests out of the picture. Spider mites and Aphids can cause such symptoms. Spider mites are the most probable culprits.

Spider mites

You can confirm the presence of spider mites if you find tiny webcasts around your Mini rose plant. Mini rose plant is usually put in a hanging pot.

Spider mites can easily get into hanging pots of your Mini roses. They damage the plant by discoloring the foliage and flowers.

To treat

  • If the infection is in the initial stages you may want to spray the plant with soapy water.
  • If there is an army of spider mites you would need to use rubbing alcohol or Neem oil to get rid of them.

Mini Rose stems turning brown

Mini Rose stems turn brown when the plant is infected by Rose Botrytis Blight, a fungal disease. A gray mold is seen on the leaves of the infected plant.

Plants affected with Botrytis produce deformed flowers. Give plenty of room to your Mini rose when planting to ensure good air circulation.

The fungus is most active when the temperatures are between 62 to 72 °F and conditions are moist. The disease can reduce your rose bush to a mass of brown, dead flowers.

Botrytis Blight is also called the Gray Mold in gardening communities.

Why is my Mini Rose wilting?

The leaves of the mini rose plant wilt when it doesn’t get enough water. The mini rose plant also wilts when it doesn’t get adequate sunlight.

Try to place the mini rose plant so it gets a good amount of sunlight throughout the day. You’ll see that the plant thrives outdoors.

Both overwatering and underwatering can cause wilting in the leaves of the Mini rose plant. We shall see more on this later in this article.

Why are the leaves on my Miniature Rose turning yellow?

Miniature rose plants’ leaves turn yellow when the pH of the soil is too high or the soil doesn’t have enough iron in it. Mini rose plant leaves turn yellow when the plant sits in waterlogged conditions for too long. Waterlogged conditions are caused by overwatering and/or poorly draining soil.

Soil pH

Check the soil with a pH meter if you think this is the issue. The ideal pH range for roses is 6-6.5, if it’s above or below this range mini rose plants fail to absorb the essential nutrients.

Abnormal pH causes veins to yellow first followed by the leaves. This situation is caused by chlorosis.


Mini rose plant’s leaves turn yellow when it sits in waterlogged conditions for too long. Waterlogged conditions might lead to root rot too.

Even in summer, they need to be watered only twice a week. Don’t make your mini rose plant sit in waterlogged conditions.

Miniature rose plants are far more resistant to waterlogged conditions than most other plants. So, you can revive the plant.

Water your mini roses plant less often if the plant is affected by overwatering. These symptoms are also seen in the case of soil that’s poorly draining.

Make sure your pot has draining holes that work properly. If the problem is with the soil, add some compost to it to increase draining capability.

How often to water Mini Roses indoors?

Water your Mini Roses once a week. The plant might need to be watered more often if the temperature is higher than optimum.

Check the soil with your fingers and water when the soil is dry below an inch of the surface. Mini Roses go into dormancy in the winter.

Reduce the watering frequency in the colder seasons. Water your Mini roses once a month in the winter.

Miniature rose leaves drying

Miniature roses plant’s leaves dry up when it doesn’t get enough water. The plant droops and eventually the leaves turn yellow.

If the leaves are yellow, poke your finger into the soil and check for moisture. If it is bone dry, underwatering is the reason,

Underwatered miniature rose plants’ leaves are yellow but dry. Overwatered plants’ leaves on the other hand are yellow but droopy.

Underwatering in mini roses plants usually happens in summer. Much of the water you give to the plant just evaporates leaving the plant thirsty.

Water your mini roses plant regularly, if possible use drip irrigation.


Mini rose plant leaves get scorched when it receives more fertilizer than needed. Read the instructions on the label and fertilize accordingly.

Sometimes mini rose plant needs only specific nutrients. In that case, fertilizer may not be of much help. Get your soil test done and see what the soil lacks

Improve the soil accordingly and your mini rose plant will thank you. Foliage yellowing subsides once the plant gets the proper amount of nutrients.

Why is my Mini Rose not blooming?

Mini rose plant fails to bloom when the plant doesn’t get adequate light. The mini rose plant also fails to bloom when it doesn’t get the nutrients it needs.


Mini rose plants love to be outdoors. If you are growing mini roses plant indoors, it is probably why your plant fails to bloom.

You might think that the plant gets enough light but the reality is different. The plant may not get the intensity of light it needs.

How far is your mini rose plant from the window? If it’s too far then try to move it closer to the window gradually each day.

In a greenhouse, these plants get a lot of light, so it is understandable why the plant fails to bloom.

How do you keep Mini Roses blooming?

Follow the instructions below to keep your Mini Roses blooming.

  • Place your Mini Rose plant in a place where it gets abundant sunlight. This is crucial if you want the best for your plant.
  • Sometimes plants get shaded by other plants, check to make sure this is not the case with your mini rose plant.
  • Make sure your mini rose plant has all the essential nutrients. Water and feed your plant on schedule and it should bloom fine.

How to revive a dying Mini Rose plant?

Reviving a dying mini rose plant requires a combination of attentive care, thoughtful diagnosis, and timely intervention. These charming plants, known for their vibrant blossoms, can bounce back to life with the right approach. If you find your mini rose plant wilting or showing signs of distress, follow these steps to help it recover and thrive once again.

1. Assess the Situation: Begin by examining the plant closely to identify the specific issues it’s facing. Look for yellowing leaves, drooping stems, or signs of pest infestation. This initial assessment will guide your revival strategy.

2. Watering: One of the most common reasons for a mini rose plant’s decline is improper watering. Strike a balance between overwatering and underwatering. Ensure the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Check the soil with your fingers and water only when the soil is dry below an inch from the surface. Water at the base of the plant to prevent fungal growth on leaves.

3. Soil Conditions: Mini rose plants flourish in well-draining soil. Check if the soil is compacted or retains too much water. If so, repot the plant in a mix of well-draining soil and compost for improved aeration and nutrient availability.

4. Sunlight: Mini roses crave sunlight for energy and growth. Place the plant in a spot where it receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. If growing indoors, consider using artificial grow lights to supplement natural light. You need to place the plant near a south-facing window.

5. Pruning: Trim away dead or yellowing leaves and faded flowers. Pruning stimulates new growth and redirects your Miniature Rose plant’s energy toward healthy parts.

6. Fertilization: Feed your mini rose plant with a balanced fertilizer formulated for flowering plants. Follow the recommended dosage and frequency to avoid overfeeding, which can be detrimental.

7. Pest Management: Inspect the Mini Rose plant for pests like aphids, mites, or thrips. If infested, gently wash them off with water or use natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap.

8. Disease Control: Keep an eye out for signs of disease, such as black spots on leaves or mold growth. Remove affected leaves promptly and consider applying fungicides as needed. Sterilize the tools before using them on healthy plants.

9. Humidity: Mini rose plants appreciate moderate humidity levels. If you’re growing them indoors, consider using a humidity tray or placing a bowl of water nearby to increase moisture in the air.

10. Patience: Reviving a dying plant takes time. Be patient and consistent with your care routine, and monitor the plant’s progress regularly.

By addressing these factors systematically and providing the right care, you can bring your dying mini rose plant back to life. Remember that each plant is unique, so adapting your approach based on its response will increase your chances of success.

Happy Gardening 🙂