Why is my Chamomile Plant Dying

Why is my Chamomile Plant Dying? (Here’s Why & How to Fix It!)

Do you grow herbal plants in your garden? Have you been growing Chamomile in your garden without success? There can be many reasons why your Chamomile plant dies.

Let’s explore the reasons and try to fix them.

Why is my Chamomile plant dying?

The chamomile plant is dying due to overwatering if the foliage turns brown. Chamomile leaves also turn brown in the case of an Aphid infestation. Botrytis Blight causes yellowish-brown spots on the leaves. Spider mite infection also causes the yellowing of the leaves. Powdery Mildew caused a white layer on the leaves.

Chamomile plant turning brown

Is your Chamomile plant turning brown? This is seen in plants that experienced waterlogged conditions. Waterlogged conditions lead to root rot.

Overwatered Chamomile

Depot the plant and take a look at the roots. Do the roots appear rotten and wet? This happens when you overwater your plant.

If the plant is suffering from root rot, repot the plant in fresh soil. This helps to prevent further deterioration of the issue.

Leaves of the infected plant turn brown.

Aphid infection

Leaves may also turn brown in the case of an Aphid infection. Do you see ants around your Chamomile plant? Are the leaves of your Chamomile plant curled?

Aphids hide in the curled leaves. These curled leaves eventually turn brown. You can check the curled leaves for aphid bugs.

Ants on Chamomile plant

Ants help Aphids thrive on your plant. Even if you spray the aphids you’ll notice that they keep coming back. This is the Ants’ deed.

They help Aphids in exchange for the sweet honeydew the aphids secrete. They help aphids by carrying them to the host plant.

So, you can control the aphid population by controlling ants around your plant.

Why is my Chamomile turning yellow?

Is your Chamomile plant turning yellow? This happens when the plant lacks the essential nutrients or when it is root-bound. Yellowing of the foliage is also seen in the case of a Mealybug infestation.


If you notice yellowing in the lower leaves of the plant, it is possibly due to a lack of nutrients. The growth of the plant will be stunted.

This happens when the plant is either root-bound or when the plant doesn’t get enough fertilizer.

If the plant is indeed rootbound, clip the extra roots and repot the plant in a bigger pot. This should fix the problem.

If the problem is due to nutrient-deficiency, use Garden-tone as directed on the packaging.

Botrytis Blight

This is a disease that’s caused by fungus. Yellowish-brown irregular spots are seen on the older leaves of the infected plant.

It can also start with water-soaked spots on the stem.

To fix: Dispose of the affected plant parts to prevent further deterioration of the situation. Make sure the plants have good air circulation. Use pea gravel as mulch around the plants that are easily prone to Botrytis Blight.

Spider Mites

Spider Mites are tiny bugs that are barely visible to the naked eye. They harm the victim plants. Their presence can be confirmed if you see webbing around the plant.

They feed on the sap of the leaves. While they suck sap from the plant they inject toxins into the plant. This causes the yellowing of the leaves.

Foliage becomes dry, yellow, and stippled. Sometimes white spots are seen on the foliage too. Spider mites thrive in dry conditions.

They can be controlled by spraying with a garden hose every other day. There are also Miticides available in the market.

Powdery Mildew Chamomile

This is a fungal disease and as the name suggests, it causes a white, powdery layer on the leaves of the infected plant.

This disease weakens the plant as it hinders the indent sunlight. Avoid spilling water on the leaves to prevent this disease.

To fix: Cut off the infected plant parts, try to increase air circulation around the plant. Spray appropriate fungicides if necessary.

Why is my Chamomile plant drooping?

Is your Chamomile plant drooping? This happens when the plant went into a transplant shock.

Many plants recover well from transplant shock if given proper care. Your Chamomile plant should recover too if you water it on-time and give abundant sunlight.

Make sure the plant isn’t in a windy spot. Chamomile doesn’t thrive in windy areas. Try moving the plant to a place with less wind.

Water the plant well and give the Chamomile some time to recover.

Tip: Place it in a warm, sunny room and it’ll revive!

Happy Growing 🙂