pond snail

How to Get Rid of Snails in Garden Pond? (9 Easy Solutions!)

Snails can become a healthy part of a pond ecosystem but it’s problematic when their population is out of control. Getting rid of pond snails is crucial if you want a healthy pond ecosystem.

They multiply rapidly so you need to be active in controlling their spread. You should follow various methods simultaneously to efficiently control these pests.

There are many ways to do this. But I’d advise you to control them naturally.

Manual Removal

As soon as you see them, pick them with your hand and remove them from the pond. You’ll probably find them hiding under the leaves.

This is the most underrated yet most effective way to control pond snails. They are nocturnal. So, check your pond for snails at night.

You can use a small net or even your hands (if you’re comfortable with it) to scoop out the snails. Regularly removing them from the pond will keep their populations in control.

Be sure to remove not only the adult snails but also their eggs, which are often found in gelatinous clusters on rocks, plants, or other submerged surfaces.

Snail Traps

You can use the good old method of trapping them. This method works well for keeping snail populations in control.

Put a piece of lettuce in the pond. Leave it there for a couple of hours or till the next day.

Dozens of snails will get into that piece of lettuce. You can dispose of it. Do this a couple of times for the best results. This technique will only lower the growing number of snails.

Readymade Snail Traps

If you don’t have time to sit and pick them out of your tank, or you’re just not a DIY type of person, there are snail traps you can purchase that will do the job for you.

The traps are like food bait, then when the pond snail goes after the food, it gets trapped on top of the trap, and all you have to do is remove it.

It’s a safe, natural method of eliminating pond snails that won’t hurt your fish. You can find these traps on Amazon.

Starve the Pond Snails!

Pond snails thrive on algae and decaying organic matter. To limit their food supply, consider reducing the nutrients available in your pond.

This will reduce their populations efficiently.

Avoid overfeeding fish, as uneaten food can contribute to snail proliferation. Additionally, consider using aquatic plants to help absorb excess nutrients, which can help maintain water quality and reduce snail food sources.

What will eat Pond Snails?

Avoid using chemicals for pond snail elimination. There are better, natural ways.

What Fish will eat Snails?

There are some fish that love munching on snails. By adding them you’ll not only get rid of pond snails but you’ll have new fishes in the pond.

Many species of loaches and pufferfishes eat pond snails with passion.

Clown Loach and Yoyo Loach are good predators and won’t harm the pond ecosystem(unlike some puffers).

Do Goldfish eat Pond Snails?

Yes, Goldfish can eat pond snails. They eat smaller snails as they fit easily in their mouths.

They eat dead pond snails of any size though.

Do Koi eat Snails?

Yes, Koi do eat Snails when they don’t have abundant food in the pond. They are known to eat Ramshorn Snails and Trapdoor Snails.

Will Assassin Snails eat Pond Snails?

Yes, Assassin Snails do eat the smaller pond snails. They are usually kept to improve the aesthetics of a pond.

They can control the populations of pond snails greatly. They’re your best bet. Get a male and a female assassin snail.

They only breed a few offspring at a time, so they won’t become a new pest. You only need a couple of adults in the beginning.

The results won’t be conspicuous in the beginning. But you’ll soon notice a decrease in the populations of pond snails.

Other Pond Snail Predators

Frogs and Sterlets eat adult pond snails. Sterlets can survive for the whole year. The optimal temperature for these fishes is 52 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mosquito fish eat snail eggs. The ideal temperature is 65-75 Fahrenheit. Use a predator that eats eggs and another that eats adult pests to keep the snail population in control.

Snail killing chemical

Products that eradicate Anchor worms work on snails too. Dimilin is one such product. Use as instructed on the label. This product will kill all the snails in your pond. So, use it cautiously.

  1. Copper-Based Algaecides: Copper-based algaecides can be effective against pond snails. These chemicals are designed to control algae but can also harm snails. However, they should be used sparingly and monitored closely because excessive copper levels can be toxic to fish and other aquatic life.
  2. Potassium Permanganate: Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that can be used to control pond snail populations. It can also help combat algae and other waterborne parasites. Be cautious when using this chemical, as overdosing can harm fish and plants.
  3. Copper Sulfate: Copper sulfate is another option to consider. It’s commonly used to control algae and can have an impact on pond snails. However, like copper-based algaecides, it can be harmful to fish if not used carefully.

Does Vinegar kill Snails?

Yes, Vinegar can kill snails. But I do not recommend using it in your pond.

Vinegar will probably also kill the plants in your pond if any.

What fish eat Snail eggs?

The following types of fish eat Snail eggs. You can introduce them to keep snail populations in control.

  • Goldfish
  • Koi
  • Clown Loaches
  • Yoyo Loaches
  • Dwarf Chain Loaches
  • Dwarf Pufferfish
  • Cory Catfish
  • Plecos
  • Gouramis
  • Guppies
  • Cardinal Tetras

Those are some ways to get rid of pond snails. But you need to understand them well if you want a snail-free pond.

How to control Snails in a pond?

Follow the below cultural practices to control snail populations in your garden pond.

  1. Regular Water Maintenance: To prevent pond snail infestations, start with the basics – clean water. Regularly monitor and maintain water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, and ammonia levels. Maintaining a clean and balanced environment discourages the proliferation of snails.
  2. Quarantine New Additions: When introducing new aquatic plants, fish, or decorations into your pond or aquarium, it’s essential to quarantine them. Isolate new additions for a couple of weeks to ensure they aren’t carrying snail eggs or snails themselves.
  3. Choose Fish Wisely: Certain fish species are natural predators of pond snails. Consider adding fish like loaches, pufferfish, or assassin snails to your water body. They will help keep the snail population in check.
  4. Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to excess organic matter in the water, providing a feast for snails. Feed your fish only what they can consume in a few minutes to prevent leftover food from contributing to snail infestations.
  5. Maintain Optimal Water Temperature: Pond snails thrive in warmer water. Adjust your water temperature to the specific needs of your aquatic inhabitants, which can vary depending on the species. By maintaining the

Are Pond Snails good or bad?

Pond snails help in the removal of sludge. They love to eat string algae.

Most pond snails will eat both algae and certain plants. So, check if the pond snails interfere with plant life in your pond.

They help clear debris, but the problem is they breed quickly. It becomes a problem when the dead snails pile up in the pond.

Such an issue should be solved immediately or it seriously affects the pond ecosystem.

Pond Snails Lifecycle and Breeding

If you know your pests well, you can control their populations easily.

You can plan your attack well if you know when they breed and when they are active etc.

They can reproduce sexually and asexually. They prefer sexual reproduction.

How long do Pond Snails live?

They can live for around a year.

Ramshorn snails are an exception. They can live for a year or two.

How do Snails get in my pond?

Snail lovers seem to invite them into their pond.

At times they come with water plants. Snail eggs are attached to water plants more often than not.

How quickly do Pond Snails reproduce?

Pond snails take 6-8 weeks to mature. Ramshorn snails mature quickly in 4-6 weeks.

Pond snails multiply immediately after maturing and lay 100 eggs or more. Ramshorn snails lay a dozen eggs at a time.

How often do Pond Snails lay eggs?

Snails lay eggs multiple times in a year.

They can even lay eggs once a month, even more often at times. This is the reason why these pond snails quickly turn into pesky pests.

They lay 5 to 200 eggs in a batch. Some can even lay 600 eggs in a batch.

Observe egg-laying trends in your pond and introduce egg-eating predators accordingly.

What do Pond Snails eggs look like?

Pond snail eggs are jelly-like and found in clusters.

These eggs are found only on hard surfaces like leaves.

Where do Pond Snails lay their eggs?

Pond snails lay their eggs on the leaves of the pond plants.

The eggs get hatched in 10-20 days depending on the temperature.

Do Pond Snails die in the winter?

No, they most probably won’t. They are quite tolerant of temperature fluctuations.

They will survive the winter just fine. If the pond freezes, then the snails will probably die.

Can Pond Snails survive out of water?

Pond snails depend on the pond for their survival.

The snails that rely on their lungs may be able to breathe on land, but they still won’t survive.

Without any moisture, the air will dry their skin out.


Pond snails cause a huge imbalance in the ecosystem they live in. They replicate rapidly and this is the reason why they’re seen as pests.

To control them any one of the above methods wouldn’t suffice.

Use a couple of control methods simultaneously to control the populations of pond snails efficiently.

Remove the snails from the pond as soon as you see them. Regular removal is the best practice in my opinion.

I wish you a pest-free pond!

Happy Gardening 🙂