Peach tree leaves turn yellow mainly due to overwatering/underwatering. Peach tree leaves turn yellow with green veins in the case of Iron deficiency/Chlorosis. Fungal rust and Brown spots can also turn the Peach tree leaves yellow. A severe aphid infestation can also turn the leaves of the Peachtree yellow.
Peach trees are grown in orchards for their fruits. Peaches are loved by many around the world for their delicious taste.
It is not that easy to grow this stone fruit. The tree does come with its own problems like many other fruiting trees.
The most common issue is the yellowing of the foliage. In this article, we will see why the leaves of the Peachtree turn yellow and how to fix it.
Peachtree yellow leaves green veins
Peach tree leaves turn yellow and veins stay green when the plant lacks Iron. Yellowing leaves due to Iron deficiency is termed as Chlorosis.
Iron is crucial in the production of chlorophyll, the lack of which turns the leaves yellow. Get the soil tested for the pH.
Peach trees like any other fruit trees need a pH of 6-7 to thrive. Chlorosis occurs when the tree can not absorb Iron for whatever reason.
If the reason is Iron deficiency, add chelated iron to the soil. There are also foliage sprays that are infused with iron.
Note: Manganese and Zinc deficiencies also have similar symptoms. So, I advise you to get the soil tested.
Peach tree leaves falling off?
Peach tree leaves turn yellow and fall off due to drought conditions. Leaves will become dry/crispy and turn yellow.
Peachtree demands a lot of water in the warmer/summer months. Water your Peachtree every other day in the summer to keep it hydrated.
Do this only if the tree stands in bare soil, I mean no amendments.
If there’s a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the tree, you can water the plant once in two/three days. Water deeply when you do so.
Make sure the water reaches up to 2 feet in depth. You can check this using a metal rod/stick.
Overwatering causes foliage yellowing
Peachtree leaves turn yellow when you overwater the tree. Overwatered tree’s leaves become droopy and turn yellow/red/purple.
Can Peach trees be overwatered?
No, Peach trees should not be overwatered. Overwatering creates waterlogged conditions in the soil.
Waterlogged conditions lead to root rot. Root rot can even kill your Peachtree if you do not respond quickly.
What does an overwatered peach tree look like?
Overwatered Peach tree leaves are droopy and yellow but feel soft to the touch. The leaves aren’t dry, unlike underwatered plants.
The soil around the plant would be soggy. Check the soil with your fingers to confirm. You can use a soil moisture meter for better diagnosis.
How much water does a peach tree need a day?
Water your Peachtree thrice a week if it’s summer. When you do water the tree, water deeply, to avoid frequent watering.
If there’s mulch around the tree, you may need to water the tree less often. Also, water the plant less often if it’s the rainy season.
Check the soil with fingers and water only when the soil is dry up to 2 inches.
How to treat an overwatered Peachtree?
- Do not water your Peachtree for a week or two.
- If the soil is heavy/clay, amend it with compost to enhance the draining ability of the soil and aerate it.
- Check the roots to see if they’re infected by root rot. If they are consult the local horticulture experts.
Peachtree yellow spots on leaves
Fungal rust is the most common reason why yellow spots form on the leaves of the Peachtree. Yellow spots could also be caused by a scale infestation.
Peachtree fungal rust
Peachtree rust is a fungal disease that’s quite common in the southeastern US region. The disease is seen in the summer and fall seasons.
Both sides of the infected leaves get covered in pale spots in the spring. These spots turn into lesions in the summer/fall.
In severe cases, the leaves fall off the infected tree. Grab a sample of the infected tree and get it tested in a University lab.
Note: Correct diagnosis is crucial to treat your diseased plant as the symptoms are similar to the other diseases/disorders.
What causes peach rust?
The fungal spores that cause peach rust are air-borne. Once they land on a host they begin to infect the tree.
Peach rust disease is favored by warm temperatures and rainfall. They depend on moisture to infect a new tree. The severity of the disease depends on the cultivars and the climate.
How do you treat peach rust?
Apply suitable fungicide as soon as you see the first sign of infection. Treating the susceptible trees with fungicides should be done in the spring.
But, remember, if use the same fungicide for a long time, the fungus becomes resistant to it. I advise you to use them alternatively.
You can control peach rust fungus and peach scab simultaneously. There are fungicides that work for both diseases.
Scale on Peachtree
The white peach scale is the variety that feeds on the Peachtree. Scale insects get attached to the undersides of the leaves.
Scale insects suck the plant sap through the plant leaves. Adult scale insects can not move, they get attached to the leaves of the host.
Scale insects attach to the stem, leaves, and fruits of the Peachtree. A severe scale infestation stunts the tree and can even kill the branches/tree if left untreated.
The yellow spots are formed on the leaves where these insects get attached. Check the undersides of the leaves to see if there are scale insects.
How do I get rid of the peach scale?
- You can spray Horticulture oil on the affected branches/parts of your Peachtree. I’ve sprayed Neem oil on the affected Peach trees and it worked well!
- You can also introduce predators onto the affected trees to control scale insects efficiently. Ladybird beetles, Lacewings, and Parasitic Wasps love to feed on peach tree scale.
- Controlling the peach scale biologically works when the populations are low. You can use a combination of control methods to control the peach tree scale efficiently.
- Scale thrives on stressed/sick plants, so, keep your peach tree as healthy as possible.
Peachtree yellow leaves brown spots
Peach tree leaves turn yellow with brown spots due to a disease called ‘Brown spot’. This disease is caused by a bacterial pathogen.
Tiny purple/black lesions appear on the tips of the leaves. These leaf spots then migrate to the center of the leaves.
Severely infected leaves turn yellow and fall off the tree. The bacterium slowly eats away holes in the tree. The spots crack leaving the plant open to rot.
How to treat Brown Spot in Peachtree
Spray the susceptible Peachtree in the fall. Use a copper-based fungicide on the tree when the leaves begin to fall.
The bacteria spreads rapidly in wet, moist conditions.
Peach tree leaves turning yellow and red
Peach tree leaves turn yellow and red because of Peach leaf curl disease. Peach tree leaf curl disease is the most common reason why Peach leaves become curled.
What causes Peach leaf curl?
Peach leaf curl disease is caused by a fungal pathogen Taphrina deformans. Your peach tree becomes susceptible to the disease in periods of wet, cool weather conditions.
This means the disease infects the plant when the leaves are just opening.
Peach leaf curl symptoms
The fungus causes cancer in the leaves, which is why they become distorted/curled. Leaves have a puckered appearance.
On severely infested trees, leaf curls can be seen clearly from a good distance.
How do I treat Peach leaf curl?
It is hard to treat the Peach leaf curl once you see the symptoms. But in this season you need to thin the fruits more than usual and water the plant adequately.
Try to give the plant adequate resources and treat the plant at the end of the season. You can use a variety of copper fungicides.
Fixed copper products like Monterey Lawn and Garden and Kop R Spray Concentrate treat Peach leaf curl efficiently.
Chlorothalonil is a non-copper fungicide that can control Peach leaf curl efficiently.
Can a peach tree recover from leaf curl?
Yes, a peach tree can recover from leaf curl if you follow the proper guidelines. But, I advise you to prevent the disease rather than bothering with it later on.
What can I spray Peach leaf curl with?
Spraying fungicides preventatively works wonders to prevent peach leaf curl. Spray the susceptible trees once in the late fall and once in the late winter/early spring.
Wait till most of the leaves fall off the tree in the fall and then spray the tree. In the spring, spray after the buds swell.
You might want to change the type of fungicides you use for efficiency. Alternate between copper and non-copper fungicides.
Is Peach leaf curl contagious?
Yes, Peach leaf curl spreads to the other trees via winds. Peach leaf curl disease not only affects peach trees but it also can infect Nectarines.
Its spread depends vastly on the weather conditions.
Will Peach leaf curl kill my tree?
Peach leaf curl doesn’t kill trees. I haven’t seen any infected trees die so far. The disease weakens the Peachtree greatly.
Should I remove peach leaf curl leaves?
Some people prune off the infected leaves in the hopes of treating the tree. In my experience, it doesn’t do much good.
Prune off the leaves in the fall prior to applying any fungicides. By doing this, you will reduce the amount of spores that overwinter.
Disposing of the leaf debris is crucial in Peach leaf curl control.
Newly planted Peachtree leaves turning yellow
Newly planted Peachtree leaves turn yellow when it’s suffering from Transplant Shock. This happens when the roots don’t have sufficient room to establish themselves.
Transplant shock in a peach tree occurs when it’s moved to a new location, causing stress. To help your tree recover, provide proper care, like watering consistently, offering some shade, and avoiding excessive pruning.
Be patient, as it may take a season or two for your tree to fully bounce back and start thriving in its new home.
Peach tree leaves yellow and curling
Peach tree leaves turn yellow and curl due to aphid infestation. Aphid-infested leaves become distorted and turn yellow.
Aphids are sap-sucking insects that feed on the plant sap via leaves. They rob the leaves of essential nutrients, turning them yellow.
It is ideal to hang yellow, sticky cards around the susceptible Peach trees. If you identify them early, you can eliminate them easily.
Green peach aphids are the variety that infest peach trees usually. A severe infestation can cause stunted growth and premature fruit drop.
Tip: Turn the leaves and check them often for any presence of aphids. Respond asap once you see any sign of aphids.
How do I get rid of Aphids on my peach tree?
Although an aphid infestation may seem terrible, it doesn’t damage your Peach tree’s health. So, I advise you to use natural ways to eliminate these pests.
- You can spray water forcefully on the affected branches to dislodge these pesky pests.
- Spraying Horticulture oil on the infested trees works wonders. You can spray Neem oil on the aphid-infested Peachtree.
- If your Peach trees are severely infested, spray insecticidal soap on them.
- Spray a delayed dormant spray early in the spring to prevent an aphid infestation.